What personal information does Leven Golfing Society collect about you?
Leven Golfing Society collects the following information from members:
Name and contact details, such as home addresses, email addresses and contact telephone numbers.
Payment details such as debit and credit card and purchase history.
Details of members visits to Leven Golfing Society’s website and information provided, such as responses to surveys and marketing preferences.
How does Leven Golfing Society use members personal information?
Leven Golfing Society uses this information for the following purposes:
To operate the Club and provide members with golf handicap maintenance, golf course tee time booking and club competition booking including registration and recording of scores.
To provide members with event management and other services they request.
For internal record keeping.
(Provided the member gives consent) To send members promotional emails about special offers or other membership benefits that they may find interesting (the member can opt out from receiving these types of communications at any time).
Does Leven Golfing Society share your personal information with third parties?
Leven Golfing Society will not share members personal information without consent, except:
Where it is necessary to share with a service provider, such as Club Systems International Limited in order to provide members with services they have requested, such as golf handicap maintenance, customer support or marketing.
To share it with trusted business partners for the purposes of conducting data analytics or market research or an aggregated or anonymised basis.
Where Leven Golfing Society has a legal obligation to disclose the information (such as responding to a court order), to protect Leven Golfing Society’s legal rights or to prevent fraud or illegal activity.
Dated 25th May 2018